Crocheted poncho

Last week I finished crocheting this poncho for Sonja.


at first she didn’t want to put it on and was actually crying about but then when I got the camera, she quickly pulled herself together and posed with a smile on her face!



we’ve been doing lots of puzzles lately!


And my oldest two made A and A/B honor rolls at school.


Last week while at the Dr. office, Sonja took this picture of me!


We then went out for Chinese for lunch and this was in my fortune cookie- very fitting!


I have a c section scheduled for Nov 24th unless I go into labor before.

I’m SO ready! I feel like a whale and that I could squat and pop the baby out….

will keep you posted!


7 thoughts on “Crocheted poncho”

  1. Annette Schultz

    cute poncho …. I wish you a safe delivery on your little bundle of stitches

  2. I would definitely say that is a life changing moment….in a blessed way. Perhaps you can get out of this a few days early. 😉 Cute little poncho too.

  3. Sonja is so pretty and sweet. In the puzzle photo she looks so much more grown up. In a little over a week you'll be holding a new little one. I enjoy your blog and will miss it while you're resting and enjoying the new baby. Thank you for sharing. I'll keep all of you in my prayers.

  4. SewMisadventurous

    You hardly look 9 months in that photo Bea, and how clever is Sonja to take such good photos at her age? She's still a proper little model though isn't she? I just adore the 'Downton Abbey-ish, Ladylike Crossed Hands' pose, it's so cute and she's growing up so fast isn't she? Plus, WELL DONE to Solveig and Bjorn, you must be very, very proud of them.

  5. sonja is sew adorable. She looks great in her poncho.Gotta be proud of those report cards.

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