Crocheted knotted sweater

I finished another sweater for Sonja

(I believe she picked out the yarn for this one too!)


I found the pattern on redhearts site here


Now I modified it a bit by using a smaller hook and then using size 4T pattern.

The sweater is tight on her, but DOES fit, so at least she’ll wear it for a little while and it will be handed down to the next one 🙂

The knotted belt ended up being very loose, so I don’t know if I should whip stitch it down a little bit or the whole thing or just let it hang like it is as a funky kind of belt!?


Here’s daddy with his 2 girls before he took the kiddos to school one morning!


It’s funny with genetics.

My husband is half Korean and half Polish.

Our oldest two look like him and then Sonja looks like me- no Asian in her at all!

so wonder what #4 will look like!?

can’t wait to see…..

I have been getting out the bin of 0-3m baby clothes to wash and I forgot how tiny and cute it all is.

2 thoughts on “Crocheted knotted sweater”

  1. SewMisadventurous

    I knew you wouldn't slow down even with an any time now deadline lol. But at least you can put your feet up to crochet, I can't get over how grown up Solveig looks in this photo, quite beautiful, and Sonja continues being super cute, love the ladylike hands.

  2. Beautiful family. My daughter's family is similar. Her husband is half Pueto Rican with green eyes and black hair. My daughter is a blue eyed blond. Two kids have her coloring and one has her dads. The 4th one we don't know about yet. He may end up looking more like his dad. They are all beautiful too!

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