Covering America – Kentucky block 17

covering america2

This week’s block is Kentucky

(a tricky block to make- lots of pieces)


Here’s some facts about this bluegrass state

Kentucky flag

Entered Union (rank): June 1, 1792 (15)

Kentucky was the 15th state to join the Union and the first on the western frontier.

The Kentucky Derby is the oldest continuously held horse race in the country. It is held at Churchill Downs in Louisville on the first Saturday in May.

The great Man o’ War won all of his horse races except one which he lost to a horse named Upset.

The old official state tree was the Kentucky coffee tree (Gymnocladus dioicus.) The tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) is the current official state tree. The change was made in 1976.

Cheeseburgers were first served in 1934 at Kaolin’s restaurant in Louisville.

Chevrolet Corvettes are manufactured in Bowling Green.

The first Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant owned and operated by Colonel Sanders is located in Corbin.

The song “Happy Birthday to You” was the creation of two Louisville sisters in 1893.

Post-It Notes are manufactured exclusively in Cynthiana. The exact number made annually of these popular notes is a trade secret.

Middlesboro is the only city in the United States built within a meteor crater.

The world’s largest free-swinging bell known as the World Peace Bell is on permanent display in Newport.

More than $6 billion worth of gold is held in the underground vaults of Fort Knox. This is the largest amount of gold stored anywhere in the world.

The largest underground cave in the world: 300 miles long, the Mammoth-Flint Cave system

Fishing Fowls
Your bow and arrow may help you survive out on the road, but don’t even think about fishing with it in this state.
Kentucky long ago put a stop to bow and arrow fishing.

Bee Patrol
You may not worry about the purity of a bee when it sinks that stinger into your skin, but apparently there is something to worry about here.
Kentucky law requires every bee that travels over its state line to present a certificate of health.
The politicians want to be sure that every bee is from a clean, healthy previous environment.

Empty Your Pockets
You love your ice cream, but you’ll have to find somewhere better than your pocket to hold your cone while you drive through Kentucky. Law prohibits ice cream riding in your pocket.

3 thoughts on “Covering America – Kentucky block 17”

  1. Connie Kresin Campbell

    Wonderful block Bea and wow…..there are a lot of pieces in it!

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