Covering America Finish

covering america2

I finished the top quite a while ago.

It’s HUGE, doesn’t even fit on my design wall!

The blocks were a bit tricky to sew together as my seam allowance or the pattern/templates didn’t turn out to be all the same, so some blocks were over 9 1/2” and some were under, so I had to fudge quite a bit and trim off some edges too, but because it’s such a busy quilt, you don’t really notice it.

I wasn’t sure if I wanted the strippy border, but I had to many scraps left over that it was pretty easy to cut up and make the border, I’m happy with the result!


I finished the top by early October, so I’ve scheduled this post ahead of time 🙂

4 thoughts on “Covering America Finish”

  1. Connie Kresin Campbell

    WOW!!! What a neat quilt Bea with a lot of blocks!! The border really adds a lot to it. Can't wait to see it quilted!

  2. This has been fun to follow as you made each block. And now to see the finished quilt is great.

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