covering America block 39 – Rhode Island

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This week’s block is Rhode Island


Here’s some facts about the Ocean state

Rhode Island’s official state name is Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.

Entered Union (rank): May 29, 1790 (13)

Rhode Island is the smallest state in size in the United States. It covers an area of 1,214 square miles. Its distances North to South are 48 miles and East to West 37 miles.

  • Rhode Island was the last of the original thirteen colonies to become a state.

  • Rhode Island has no county government. It is divided into 39 municipalities each having its own form of local government.

    The first circus in the United States was in Newport in 1774.

    Rhode Island is known for making silverware and fine jewelry.

    The world’s largest bug is on the roof of New England Pest Control in Providence. It’s a big blue termite, 58 feet long and 928 times actual termite size.

    Portsmouth is home to the oldest schoolhouse in the United States. The school was built in 1716.

    Swamp Meadow Covered Bridge in Foster is the only remaining covered bridge in Rhode Island.

    Rhode Island Red chickens, first bred in 1854; the start of poultry as a major American industry

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