covering America – block 30 New Jersey

covering america2

This week’s block is New Jersey

(I changed the way it was constructed a bit to get the same result) –love this stripe on there!

2015-06-20 005

Here’s some facts about the Garden state

New Jersey flag

  • Admission to Statehood:

    December 18, 1787 (3rd State)

    New Jersey has the highest population density in the U.S. An average 1,030 people per sq. mi., which is 13 times the national average.

    New Jersey has the highest percent urban population in the U.S. with about 90% of the people living in an urban area.

    New Jersey is the only state where all its counties are classified as metropolitan areas.

    State motto is liberty and prosperity.

    North Jersey is the car theft capital of the world, with more cars stolen in Newark then any other city. Even the 2 largest cities, NYC and LA put together.

    New Jersey has the most dense system of highways and railroads in the U.S.

    New Jersey has the most diners in the world and is sometimes referred to as the diner capital of the world.

    North Jersey has the most shopping malls in one area in the world with seven major shopping malls in a 25 sq. mile radius.

    New Jersey is a leading industrial state and is the largest chemical producing state in the nation.

    New Jersey is a major seaport state with the largest seaport in the U.S. located in Elizabeth

    The light bulb, phonograph (record player), motion picture projector were invented by Thomas Edison in his Menlo Park laboratory.

    New Jersey is home to the Miss America pageant held in Atlantic City.

    Atlantic City is where the street names came from for the game monopoly

    Atlantic City has the longest boardwalk in the world.

    New Jersey has the tallest water tower in the world.

    New Jersey is the only state in the nation which offers child abuse prevention workshops to every public school.

    The first baseball game was played in Hoboken. (Ahhhh- Hoboken- CAKE BOSS!)

    New Jersey has 108 toxic waste dumps. Which is the most in any one state in the nation.

    The world’s first drive-in movie theater, built in 1933 near Camden

    Union City, New Jersey is largely operated by Cubans. There are actually more Cubans in this state than there are in Havana, Cuba!

    The cost of living in New Jersey is among the highest in the country. Make sure to count your pennies before deciding to move in.

    The Statue of Liberty is “located” in New Jersey. This state is also home to Ellis Island, but interestingly both islands remain New York territory despite their location on the New Jersey side of the state line.

    New Jersey produces more blueberries than any other state. Consider it the blueberry queen!

    and some silly facts

    Do not get caught armed with a gas pump. It is illegal to pump your own gas in this state. (I remember driving thru NJ and having people gas up for you)

    If you pass a policeman in the store, make sure to put on your brightest smile. You could be arrested for giving them a frown.

    Streets are also protected from pickles that have gone sour. Trenton, New Jersey has a law on the books forbidding the discard of rotten pickles in the street.

    Treat your soup with great care while passing through New Jersey. If you slurp, you will be breaking the law.

    If murder is on your mind in New Jersey, make sure to strip off your bulletproof vest. It is illegal to wear a bulletproof vest while killing someone in this state.

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