Covering America – Block 22 Michigan

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This week’s block is Michigan

(such an “odd” looking block, wonder why that was picked? looks kind of like M.C.Escher-ish)

 2015-05-26 001

Here’s some facts about this wolverine state/ Great Lakes State.

Michigan flag

  • Admission to Statehood:

    January 26, 1837 (26th State)

  • Although Michigan is often called the “Wolverine State” there are no longer any wolverines in Michigan.

    Detroit is known as the car capital of the world.

    The Ford Motor Company was founded in Michigan in 1893.

    The Mackinac Bridge is one of the longest suspension bridges in the world. Connecting the upper and lower peninsulas of Michigan, it spans 5 miles over the Straits of Mackinac, which is where Lake Michigan and Lake Huron meet. The Mighty Mac took 3 years to complete and was opened to traffic in 1957.

    The Kellogg Company has made Battle Creek the Cereal Capital of the World. The Kellogg brothers accidentally discovered the process for producing flaked cereal products and sparked the beginning of the dry cereal industry.

    There are more than 11,000 lakes in Michigan.

    There are more lighthouses in Michigan than in any other state. There are about 150 throughout the state.

    and some silly facts

    You cannot tie your alligator to a fire hydrant in Michigan.

    Female Michiganites cannot get their hair cut without their husband’s permission

    If you are in Detroit and want to let your pig wander the streets freely, make sure it has a nose ring. Only pigs with rings in their noses are allowed to wander the streets.

    If you throw your old hoop skirt into the street or onto a sidewalk in Grand Haven, you could be fined five dollars per skirt.

    Are you buying a new bathing suit this summer? Make sure to have it inspected by the head of police in Michigan. All bathing suits must meet inspection!

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