Covering America – Block 20 Maryland

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This week’s block is Maryland

2015-05-09 001

What a “tricky” block that was too and the large triangles didn’t fit right, may run into trouble when I sew the whole quilt together, we’ll see.

Here’s some facts about Maryland

Maryland flag

Nicknames: Free State; Old Line State

The first dental school in the United States opened at the University of Maryland.

Annapolis is known as the sailing capital of the world.

The highest point in Maryland is 3,360 feet above sea level on Backbone Mountain in Garrett County. The absolute lowest point in Maryland is a depression, often called Bloody Point Hole, 174 feet below sea level. The area is located approximately 1 mile west-southwest of the southern tip of Kent Island in Queen Anne’s County.

Maryland was first to enact Workmen’s compensation laws in 1902.

The first umbrella factory in the U.S., 1928, Baltimore

First Public School
The very first public school in the U.S. was the King Williams School. It was a Maryland school that opened doors in the late 1600s. Even then, education was valued for most citizens.

On September 14, 1814, Fort McHenry of Baltimore Harbor was attacked.
Watching this attack was lawyer Francis Scott Key, who went on to write the national anthem we all sing with our hands over our hearts today.
“O say can you see…”

Lipstick Lows
Lock up the lipstick and warn your little boys to be proper and ladylike.
Boys under the age of 10 are forbidden to wear lipstick in this state!
Girls can wear whatever they want in their color of choice.

Awkward Aging
If you’re traveling with the elderly make sure not to go into Maryland near their birthday. Citizens that live past the age of 90 are legally required to apologize for being alive every year that they survive their birthday. The apology has to be public, so no mumbling under your breath.

If you made this block, link up below and check the PAGE for where to purchase the pattern

1 thought on “Covering America – Block 20 Maryland”

  1. I'm glad I now know about the lipstick law. I wouldn't want Jammer to end up in jail the next time we drive through that state. 🙂

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