Cord management and purses

So for a long time, my one frustration with my long arm is the cords in the back, I’ve tried different things, hanging some of them up on a bungee cord, tubing etc. but I still get tangles or pulling and sometimes the power cord unplugs.

Hubby of course listens to me Smile

First he went to Lowe’s and bought two different plugs, one single extension and then a triple one and made them both fit, he had to modify the grey one, so this way the SLR and light both go into the back of the machine (before the SLR went to the wall and that was another cord that got tangled) – the SLR is a big plug like a charger for a computer, so with the triple plug, the SLR plug is plugged into one side but half way covered a middle one, the the light is on the other side.


THEN he fabricated a wooden cord “holder” to fit into the rails on the back of the base of the Voyager so the power cord rests on it and don’t get pulled to the sides when I move the machine, and you can see above where the machine is as far back as it goes and it’s still NOT pinching any cords!


While he was doing that I was embroidering purse pincushions!

Turid actually showed a pincushion she made in brown for the RSC16 challenge and DING! lightbulb moment, I wanted to do that too!

I knew I had very few scraps left and small ones too but this purse would be perfect for that!


Here I used all batiks from Island Batik!


Then I got out my blue bin again and picked some scraps to play catch up.

So I’ll plan to make one each month of the color of the month.

Should be fun!


I actually made 3 but not showing details of #3 too much Smile


8 thoughts on “Cord management and purses”

  1. It is great to have a handy husband who listens and then invents something to make your life easier. Those purses are cute as buttons.

  2. sally johnson

    This is so super cute, I just can't stand myself… I love it especially wit IB fabric… Woot Woot!!!

  3. Your pincushions are so sweet. Twelve pincushions in all the colours of the year…. yes, we can do it.

  4. Connie Kresin Campbell

    Isn't it neat to have a husband who is handy and creative!!

  5. Hmmm. This might just solve my cord problem too. If you'd be so kind as to snap a few more up close pics of the wood holder and email them to me I'd be grateful. My hubs will be able to make something similar for mine.

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