Cobble Hill and Connecting Threads

If you follow me on instagram or FB, you’ll know that I was working on a quilt puzzle recently, but just in case you didn’t see it, I figured I’d post here.

I got this quilt puzzle at the NC mountains while we were there before Easter- but I did find it on amazon for a bit cheaper.


Once I started the puzzle I was SOLD on the brand “Cobble Hill”

The pieces are well made, thick, nice texture and all funky shapes!


Solveig helped sort the pieces and we managed to do most of the border


I had Sonja help with the last few pieces.

Such a fun puzzle and the kids commented too that it’s so realistic looking!


This week I got another order from Connecting threads, the two left fabrics are for backings for two quilts and the right was a FQ bundle that just looked fun- now I might split it up into black/ white and then a turquoise one, we’ll see…

And then this quilted bag book looked fun!


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