Catching up on Easy Street and another video

I’ve been catching up on EASY street.

AND I found my missing video, I thought I had lost it – deleted it but then couldn’t find it on my computer after I downloaded it.

I might have shown these first few pics

These are the corner border triangles

Here’s pieces for the blocks ready to be ironed

ready for assembly.

Now I mis counted or mis cut, but I am short over 20 green squares, so I figured I’d assemble what I can now and cut those later

I also worked on the Valentine’s Round robin block, this is ALL I can show 🙂

Now don’t shoot me, but I just thought this heart fabric was cute, but I know it has green leaves… hope the recipient still likes it.

Here’s the “missing” video

quilting swirls in large batik blocks and then curves on the sashing blocks

Now I have to do a shout out to Michele from Quilts from my crayon box

her and I often email back and forth and tease each other- I’m NOT mentioning her comment on my last post! 🙂

anyways, she told me about the quilt summit in utah in the fall, uhh wouldn’t that be fun to go???

I looked at the class list from last year and recognized lots of names, then jokingly I thought it would be fun to be a teacher there too. anyways…. don’t know how I’d even manage to attend with a baby or a 1yr old by then, Sonja would be all over the place.

well, I’m always allowed to DREAM 😉

7 thoughts on “Catching up on Easy Street and another video”

  1. The video doesn't show up for me.Are you talking about the Utah Quilt Guild Quilt Fest in October?

  2. I just love watching the quilting. It's fun to guess where you are heading next. I like the black in your Easy Street.

  3. Your Easy Street is looking good. I have to find my pieces. Think I have too little greens, and I may have to wait for some new fabrics. But I can do some of the work, and you inspire me to do that right now.

  4. Oops on the Easy Street.Nice sneak peak on hte mystery mini. I like the fabric choices. You're making me very jealous that I don't have a long arm machine yet.Sewing Summit is a must since you're going to be my roommate so I hope you figure out how to make it happen. LOL I'll be waiting for you at the airport.

  5. Sharyn Hutchinson

    I love your videos Bea. You give me inspiration. I almost always use pattern boards when long arming. Too chicken to try free hand. Your videos make me want to try. Thank you!

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