Can you feel the love ?

I hope you can see the video 🙂

Anyways, Sonja has been showing me some great love by helping cut out shapes with the GO! cutter (for a secret project)

-and Bjorn too 🙂

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My husband took these pics the other night, Sonja loves to climb behind me so she can touch my hair.

She’ll say: “Mommy I love your hair” or “Mommy, I love you sometimes!” LOL

Now I’ve taught her to JUST say I love you 🙂

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and hug from the back 🙂

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something NOT so loving, is that I found out that my 1/4” foot for my sewing machine is NOT sewing 1/4”!!

over time, lint and threads have pulled the side prong out of whack, I don’t know how to bend it back, it won’t stay there, so I put a bunch of blue tape down on the bed of the machine at the 1/4” mark (from the needle too) and have worked with it a few days, but don’t LOVE it…

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How do you do an exact 1/4” ????????????

I’m going back to using a regular foot and lining up the fabric with the 1/4” mark on the machine, but that can scoot sometimes.

I’m going to try to measure from the edge of the 1/4” foot and see if I can move the needle over a smidge, but the hole for the needle is not very big, so I don’t know….

6 thoughts on “Can you feel the love ?”

  1. Vroomans' Quilts

    On my Juki, I know right where the 1/4" is and run it no problem – I don't use a 1/4 in foot. I like my teflon foot. My SIL likes the 1/4" foot on her Singer (and it was checked to be accurate). My Brother I use a layer of tape because no matter what you do, the feed dogs want to scoot the edges – the tape prevents that. But I only do basic piecing on that machine. Once you get into more involved piecing that tape bed is a pain.

  2. I have been fighting the battle of the 1/4 inch seam for more years than I want to admit to. No matter what I do – I come up about 1/16 inch short on the seamed piece. I finally gave up and cut my pieces just a few threads bigger than the patter calls for – maybe 1/32 bigger and so far – using the supposed 1/4 in foot my blocks are all coming out to the correct size. Good luck

  3. Blue taped linelike the one you have there. Sometimes I tape a junk mail "credit card" down if I need a raised edge.

  4. Your daughter is just too cute. My little buddy that sat with me in my sewing room all the time since she was a baby is not here anymore. 🙁 I really miss my buddy/granddaughter. They moved out about a month ago now and I really miss her doing alot of the same things your daughter does since they were so close in age. I can't remember what machine you got. Is this your embroidery machine acting like that with the 1/4" seam? I have a 1/4" foot and move my needle over to the right when using that one if I recall. It's been too long since I used that one because I kept forgetting to put it on, so I was using my regular foot alot of times with a stack of blue painters tape so it was high enough the fabric wouldn't slide past and instead butt up against it as I was sewing. Did you pull the manual out for your machine to see if there are any answers that may help? It's strange lint would actually move something like that to the point where it can't be pushed back to its original spot. I have always been super vigilant at cleaning the lint from my machine so I rarely saw anything like that. I'm sorry Bea. You may end up taking it in for a quick repair so that can be fixed. If there was that much lint, it probably needs to have a good cleaning inside anyway in places you can't reach from the outside.

  5. some lovely photos of you with your daughter, treasures to keep for sure.Re 1/4" foot, my featherweight and janome have the side piece on,have not had it for long but must admit did wonder if it would go out of plumb, finding I am getting very straight seams with it, but the bernina doesn`t have the edge, when sewing squares into 1/2 sq triangles it is much easier with out the edge. I suppose they booth have their pros and cons but find with the ege I do get a straighter seam

  6. I have problems with the 1/4 inch too. I've used rubber bands to help guide me so maybe I'll try the blue tape.

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