Busy week last week

I’ve had a busy week last week.

Bjorn finished 11th grade with A/B honor roll!!

He’s now a rising Senior!

Mid week it was national walk to school day.

I dropped Sonja off at the local library and a big group walked about 2 blocks over to the elementary school.

Friday, Solveig had a band competition at Carowinds! When the band teacher asked for chaperones, I immediately signed up and asked hubby to stay home from work to watch Anja and to get Sonja after school and the elementary school also had a spring carnival that they went to.

 I decided to bring Bjorn since he was done with school for the semester and I haven’t been on a roller coaster in years and the last time I took Bjorn and Solveig to any amusement park was Disney world 7 yrs ago, so neither of them remember rides or couldn’t go on scary fast rides!

We got there early before the school bus, and the bus was late, very late! First of all they were supposed to leave at 7.30 then the driver backed out two days before, then they got another driver but had to finish the morning route so departure was 8am but that morning I think a headlight went out on the bus so that had to be fixed before they left, and once they got to carowinds it was POURING DOWN RAIN! Bjorn and I got soaked when we got the tickets  and had to wait etc.

and rules at the park were no closed cases, so they had to unpack their instruments and carry them in the rain, then get into the park, walk to the theater, warm up and then perform! well they got on stage more than an hour later than expected!


Chaperones were allowed to sit in the back and we sat near the 3 judges who were VERY distinguished, when they were introduced each had a long list of accomplishments!

Then the music started and the 3 judges each had a microphone and a binder with the music and as it played they spoke into the microphone and critiqued everything, it was fascinating and intimidating!

Good thing the band couldn’t hear it! we couldn’t hear what they were saying either but it was just interesting to watch and hear.

 The band ended up with and EXCELLENT score (superior is higher) but still they thought that was great!

 So back to the bus and pack up the instruments, then pose for a group picture and then they were split up with chaperones, I was lucky to have another mom in my group, so we split our group too at some point and then met up later.


the first ride we tried was the FURY!

this is from their website

Feel The Sting on the world’s tallest and fastest giga coaster – Fury
325! Riders begin their adventure on one of three 32-passenger,
open-air trains to the peak height of 325 feet – following a dramatic
81-degree drop. Then, like an angry hornet chasing its target, riders
race into a massive 190-foot tall barrel turn and a high-speed S-curve
reaching speeds of up to 95 mph. 

Just above the front entrance of Carowinds, riders experience an
astonishing 91-degree overbanked horseshoe turn, and then take the “HIVE
DIVE” underneath a pedestrian bridge, swarming at full force into the
back half of the ride, through a high speed banked curve, camelback hill
and an intense double maneuver.

Fury 325 is North America’s longest steel coaster, and is over 1.25
miles long. The average ride time is 3.25 minutes, and the ride crosses
both North and South Carolina state lines. Fury 325 does not let up
during its full throttle swarm!
Do you have #FuryFever? 

(only Bjorn, Solveig and I from our group went on it)

I screamed for the whole time! and I do see why some people say they black out for a second, I almost did, but it was SO MUCH FUN!!!

It’s a level 5 of the thrill scale! (after trying a few other rides in the park, I’d say this is a 7-8 if the others were a 5)

 Click the link above to see it!

Next we went with Solveig’s friend on Goldrush it’s a 4 on the thrill scale

 we also did a skytower and the cyclone it had loop de loops!

 Then we met up with the band director and everyone had to go, though we stayed a bit for one more ride 🙂

 it’s called the intimidator! it was a 5 too, but not as bad at the fury, still loads of fun though.

I think we tried 5 rides total but didn’t try a ton, but we did the GOOD ones and that was all worth it!

 Do you love or hate roller coasters?

1 thought on “Busy week last week”

  1. Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting

    I like the wooden roller coasters. Not so fast or as tall. I used to be the chaperone for my boys band trips.

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