busy week

I’ve had a busy week with things OTHER than quilting…..

boo hoo! 🙂

Monday I had a dentist appt. which got rescheduled because they didn’t get authorization because I’m pregnant- I didn’t know to tell them before hand.

Tuesday, hmm now I can’t remember what I did.

Wednesday- field trip chaperone with my daughter’s class

Today- Pine tree meeting ( it was fun I did a demo on EQ7)

At pine tree I brought in my BOM and I won a pile of them.

I won 10 and someone else won 10 and 11, I took one out of my pile and gave to the “11” winner, so she’d have 12 and I’d get 9, just makes sense to have a layout like that 🙂 the blocks are BIG!

Then I came home and saw this at my door step and got them washed really quick!

Though I AM missing a kona white, after numerous emails back and forth with fabric.com and selecting a different Dr seuss fabric because my first choice was out, I finally settled on kona white.

I have a kona red there too, the red is not an exact match, but I think it’ll be okay, once it’s all together.

the top fabric is for the border. I just LOVE this one.

and I just had to rub this in! a dessert we got a few days ago

a turtle pie! yum!!

My mom and I have this thing going on where we send each other pictures of food we eat and make each other jealous. She’s especially mean sending ME pics of danish foods I can’t get here. now I sent these to her too. he he

3 thoughts on “busy week”

  1. Beautiful blocks, you'll have fun with them. I had to chuckle about you and your mom sending each other photos of food!

  2. Love the Dr Seuss fabrics..look forward to seeing what you do with them. (The pie looks yummy!!!)

  3. Cheryl Willis

    We had a turtle pie last week, they are great, didn't even know they made such a thing, found it on sale and decided to try it out- yummy

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