Brewery Reception Yesterday

Yesterday was the reception at Carolina Brewery in Pittsboro from 4-6 pm

It was very nice, we had friends, church family, fellow artist guild members and total strangers come and see my quilts and talk to me.

Here’s Micah and Laura (she’s a quilter too if you didn’t know) friends from church who live really close to us, so we are close friends.

Gwen, a UNC student, who also goes to church with us and we’ve been friends with for now 4 yrs and she’s going back to Singapore to med school this summer!!

And my girls, Sonja and Solveig Smile

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Here’s some people I’ve met before

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and new people

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My quilts hanging on the walls

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The brewery had half the back of the restaurant just for ME! and they had chips and ranch, chips and salsa, pita and hummus and veggie sticks AND free beer and wine! VERY generous Smile

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Church friends Smile

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And a SUPER MODEL!! Winking smile

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She did some night time reading on top of Peanut last night!

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I took this pic, this morning, beautiful sunrise! we’re supposed to get really cold and sleet later today!

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5 thoughts on “Brewery Reception Yesterday”

  1. The reception looks wonderful. I hope you sold a few quilts:) The sunrise is absolutely AMAZING. Peanut is just the best with her!

  2. It looks like you had a great time yesterday. My son is living over in Malaysia and travels into Singapore every three months. I live the pictures he has sent us. You are doing such a great job!

  3. So very cool to have so many of your quilts on display. Love the pics of Sonja and Peanut. Such a beautiful little girl and Peanut is so adorable.

  4. Very nice that your reception turned out nice! It was very cool to have a chance to have your quilts on display!

  5. It looks like a good time was had by all and little missy certainly knew the right way to end the day, by reading a book to the puppy.

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