Boxed in blocks

Last week I went to my quilt guild meeting and this month the BOM was my design/idea

I can’t remember what the block is called in EQ, but I’m pretty sure it was in there and I just changed the colors.

Anyways, I made the directions for 2 blocks with opposite fabric placements in black and white.

So guild members would make 2 blocks with the same fabrics and get their name in the drawing twice also!

squares boxed in2

squares boxed in1

since it was my design I got to pick the winner, but then I tried to get Sonja to do it, she didn’t really know what to do, so I gave it to our president to pick, after she had told Sonja to pick her name and I said No pick mommy’s name. Well she ended up picking a name out of the basket and drew MY name!! kind of funny, I felt kind of bad that I won, since I had also decided that all the blocks should go to ONE person so it would be a nice big quilt, there’s 54 in there! if I just make one more set it would be a 7 x 8 layout and each block is 7” so that’s a nice sized quilt!

I haven’t decided if I want a border or not, we’ll see, then I’m sure I’ll donate it back to the guild when it’s done Smile

2014-11-15 003

Here’s the EQ sketches with a plain border and a striped border


I kind of like the striped border, finished size would be 57 x 64


what do you think? a plain border or striped?

do you want this BOM pattern? I added it as a freebie in my craftsy store here

9 thoughts on “Boxed in blocks”

  1. Vroomans' Quilts

    Oh, I really like this one Bea – thank you for offering it for free.

  2. rather like this block and how lucky were you to win them all. Personally I like the plain border

  3. Connie Kresin Campbell

    Neat pattern Bea and congrats on winning! I really, really liked the striped borders!

  4. Micki @ 2 Dogs Studio

    Great quilt. Thanks for sharing the design. I like the little square in the center. I do not have a blogger account but am still a gmail no-reply. my email is

  5. Bea, it looks so great all put together! Even better than the EQ mock ups!

  6. Thank you for the free pattern. I like the plain border quilt. It makes the boxes look like they are floating on the quilt. Can't wait to see your finished quilt.

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