borders, borders, borders

After I finished the bird IB quilt, I started sorting my project bins and tried to see what was close to finishing, what needs backings (That’s another pile) and what needed borders

I’ve shown this quilt top before, it’s from Bonnie’s Hunter’s new strings book and the original quilt was green and her colors were flipped and several sections were strings, I didn’t do strings, but instead I cut out with my GO! dies all the pieces in white print (those prints are just wacky!!) and black prints with some solids, and I also reduced the size a bit, but it’s still BIG! then I had put it in a bin as the borders were supposed to extend the star block sections, but I really didn’t want to do that… well sorting thru the bins, I decided to see what solid black I had left over and I was able to add just a simple solid black border all the way around! It now measures 63″ x 78″ I posted on IG and I still don’t know if I like it, but lots of people did, of course a tiny picture like this looks pretty good, but up close it’s just FUNKY! but hey, it’s a look….

As the rainbow RSC19 colors are done, I had also made 2 more blocks of these four patch string quilts to make it 12 blocks, also from Bonnie’s book BTW and I added a skinny white border and stopped there, but now I added a wide grey print border and it now measures 36″ x 46″ – ready to be quilted


Next was these spiderweb rainbow blocks

I had another layout in mind but then I looked in EQ and found this and ripped a few block sections apart and sewed them all together like this, my original plan was to make piano key borders, but once I looked at it, I thought the center was busy enough so I found this cute Pooh fabric for the border and it’s busy too, so that worked well I think!

While sorting bins, I had these leftover from last year’s RSC18 color of the month and I had just 10 blocks, I had thought about making more but didn’t know how many or what to do, well now I have a plan and it’s is the clue! just wait and see!!

I have merged together some Island Batik bins and now these. I have 11 or 12 bins empty out of 28 now!! time to plan something else????

I did conclude that I think I’ll join the rainbow colors of the month again next year, but maybe do a whole baby/lap quilt with that color as the base and then other colors, at least that’s my thinking for now.

The fabrics for the 2020, 50 states QAL I’m hosting should be here soon!

2 thoughts on “borders, borders, borders”

  1. I bet there is smoke flying under your feet…the energizer bunny at work. Love them all

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