Sew Embellished Book Review and Give away!

I’ve been waiting for this day to review this book!


Author Cheryl Lynch contacted me a while ago about reviewing her new book in exchange for getting a free book myself and another one to give away!

Of course I said YES….

This book is SO cute and I really meant to make a small project from the book to show more step by step, but I ran out of time 🙁

So here’s some pictures instead of the book and of a few of my favorite things.

(makes me sound like Julie Andrews in Sound of Music)

A cute family picture wall hanging with lots of details and buttons and beads etc.

Another one I think is really cute, well I love RED and I recently got into redwork and who doesn’t love a cart full of cute puppies? Just adorable.

The book has a full size chart to copy for the redwork and detailed directions about how to assemble the rest.

My daughter also picked out this LOVE quilt. the sign in the midle reads XOXO and it’s made out of clay that’s painted gold, how clever!!

and in the back are pictures of little wearable adornments, makes me think of the little name sign I wear when I go to guild meetings, I need to add some BLING to it! or make a new one 🙂

Cheryl Also signed the front of the book. A Treasure for sure 🙂

Now since I didn’t make a project I wanted to show what “stuff” I had around to do embellishing.

I used to make a lot of jewelry but don’t really do it anymore.

But I still have lots of beads etc.

and these I bought at a quilt expo in raleigh last summer, never opened them 🙁

I also have a TON of rubber stamps from when I used to scrapbook a lot.

Now I HAVE made one quilt before with some “bling” and embellishments on it, maybe it was 2 yrs ago? I can’t remember now, it was a pattern I bought online and then I was inspired by a lecture at a guild meeting about embellishing.

I made this little city scape quilt, it hangs on the wall behind my long arm machine

I sewed on beads

and flower beads on the bushes in the front.

Are you inspired yet?? want to get this book??

If you want a chance to WIN this book.

Leave a comment for each of these steps.

1. Be a follower of Cheryl’s blog

(commenting over there that you came from my site would be great but not required)

2. Be a follower on my blog 🙂

3. Tell me if you have ever embellished a quilt before and if so what it was or which one was the most fun to do or your favorite

4. Tell others about this give away- blog, tweet, facebook, email or whatever, I can’t check these, but I trust you!

I will draw a winner on friday morning (not sure what time yet, probably around 8am EST) so get your comments in on thursday the latest!

If you are DYING to get this book now or don’t win it, you can buy it on amazon here


When you go to Cheryl Lynch’s blog you’ll also see that several others are doing reviews on this book, so even if you don’t win it here, you’ll have more chances!


mr. random picked #6

Linda at Stray Stitches won!

46 thoughts on “Sew Embellished Book Review and Give away!”

  1. I've never embellished a quilt before (I am a new quilter) but I don't think I'd be too intimidated to try some of the smaller projects in the book to get me started. Thanks for the chance to win!

  2. Stray Stitches (Linda G)

    I'm a regular follower of your wonderful blog. Looks like a great book full of all sort of ideas! Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.

  3. Stray Stitches (Linda G)

    The only kind of embellishing I've ever done is to add buttons for eyes or the center of flowers. Oh, I did make a caterpillar once using buttons, too.

  4. I have embellished a quilt before using beads. I made my husband a surfing quilt which was embellished with beads. He has it hanging in his office.

  5. BillieBee (billiemick)

    I've embellished some of my blocks on the Bunny HIll Snowbound quilt I'm working on.

  6. tubilinha tiacarminha

    EU já embelezei uma colcha de hexágonos que eram borboletas a partir de,e fiz antenas com miçangas,um outro caminho de mesa com flores e arabescos com miçangas também e customização em camisetas com um monte de aviamentos de costura e peças de bijuterias.Obrigada.

  7. tubilinha tiacarminha

    Me tornei seguidora de Cheryl e um comentário que vim de você.

  8. The only embellishments I've used are buttons! usually to hide the fact that my joins aren't perfect!!

  9. Richard Healey

    I now follow Cherylhttp//richardquilts.blogspot.com

  10. Richard Healey

    I have never embellished a quilt though it looks fun. My wife at HMQS loved all the quilts that had things like this done to them and would like to learn how its done.http//richardquilts.blogspot.com

  11. Maria Kievit

    I follow you. Have not embellished a quilt yet I think, or am I lying? I think I put buttons on one I made for my mother in law years ago…. Can't remember what I did to that one. Thanks for the giveaway.

  12. Catskill Quilter

    I am a regular follower of Cheryl's blog — book looks fabulous!

  13. Catskill Quilter

    My "most embellished" item was actually a Christmas stocking…actually found fabric of a sewing woman, and charms that depicted all of the hobbies and passions of the recipient…what fun!

  14. Jodi - usairdoll

    I'm a new follower of Cheryl's blog. I left her a comment saying you sent me from the book blog tour as well.Thank you and Cheryl for an awesome giveaway and a chance to win.usairdoll(at)gmail(dot)com

  15. Jodi - usairdoll

    Hi Bea, I'm a new follower. I'm also doing the CWQAL.Thank you and Cheryl for an awesome giveaway and a chance to win her book, signed!usairdoll(at)gmail(dot)com

  16. Jodi - usairdoll

    I have not yet made anything embellished, yet. I'm taking an applique BOM class and as we're finishing up the blocks now comes the point to embellish. I've done some embroidery stitches with different floss. I'm also planning on using ribbons, yarns and different beads. I'd love to win Cheryl's book to learn from.Thank you and Cheryl again for a chance to win.usairdoll(at)gmail(dot)com

  17. I never done any embellishment on quilt before. Maybe I should make a crazy quilt someday to try out 🙂

  18. I haven't embellished a quilt before but think this book would be a good inspiration to think about how embellishments would work with a small project

  19. I have never embellished a quilt…I did embellish a quilted Bag I made for a contest. I really enjoyed doing to try a wall hanging.

  20. I'm a new follower of yours and Cheryl's. Found your blog from SewCalGal on Facebook. I am a new blogger at Check it out.

  21. I've never embellished a quilt before. I am still fairly new at quilting and do good at getting them done. LOL But could definitely do it.

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