Bobbins and more

I have 10 min to write this post before getting the kids, so there’s no order to the pics Smile

Friday the kids had a Carnival at school and Sonja got her first italian ice


Sugar overload made her crash! Smile no she didn’t get that much, but it was HOT so we tried to also keep her cool by giving her some.


I’ve been working on the UFO pineapple block quilt, so far so good.



another Ahhhh got done this week too


And my QC help is checking my UFO blocks- Hey mommy I don’t know if this one is right!?


AND I got this bobbin clover tower (2 of them actually)

Up until now I’ve had my bobbins for the long arm in this craft bin and the threads get tangled and I often can’t see the threads if the bobbin is flat


So I combined the 2 towers into one and added my bobbins

( I do think I need one or 2 more HA!) we’ll see

Leftovers are in the bobbin circle- I wind more of one color if I only have ONE cone of the color, but a lot of them I have 2 cones now so I only need 2 bobbins at the most- one in the machine while I’m working and one for the bobbin winder, so that’s what I have set up in the tower- 2 of each.


3 thoughts on “Bobbins and more”

  1. You are lucky to have such a diligent QC officer! : )I have my bobbins in those silicone rings. I've wondered about the tower. I'll be curious to know if you are happy with it down the road a bit.

  2. Like Janet, I'm curious how you will like using the Tower. HOpe you'll post about it again in a few months… hint hint…lolLove your little helper! She's gorgeous.

  3. My husband made a board for me that slanted, so bobbins didn't fall off. (It hung on the wall on boards like you see in stores, with the hangers – bought from a second hand business shop.) Then he put nails in a grid across and down, about every 3 inches so they were easy to see and easy to pull off. I put them in order of the rainbow, ROY G. BIV and shadings of each together, so I could tell where things were. Worked really well! He made a larger one for the cones.

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