Blue and cream customer quilt

I finished long arm quilting this quilt for a customer.

The quilt is BIG!!


I did a sort of custom quilting.

Curves from corner to corner on the beige ONLY on the main part of the quilt (which was tricky with the rail fence blocks, so I had to “travel” on every other block to get to the beige.

Then feathers on the setting triangles.

Simple curved lines or whatever you call it for the inner border.


Then feathers on the blue border and curves again only on the beige on the piano/ rail fence outer border


Here’s a close up of the feathers Smile


Hope she likes it….. (her daughter might have a peek at this thru facebook)

3 thoughts on “Blue and cream customer quilt”

  1. Really like the quilting you chose to do on this quilt Bea. It looks great and I would call it Light Custom Quilting.

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