Bloggers Quilt festival Entry #1 Prof Quilting


I’m joining the Blogger’s Quilt Festival

and thought my first entry should be under Professional Quilting because I long arm quilt my own quilts Smile

(It was part of a swap too but I’m sticking with this category!)

My Quilt to show is the GEESE in a ring quilt I finished earlier this month


I quilted this one A LOT!!

curves from corner to corner on the geese and then bubbles/ pebbles all over the white.


On the setting triangles and outer border I quilted McTavishing

Inner border has a straight sort of grid and bubbles again on the white border


Here’s the back


And  close ups



The finished quilt measures 46” squared.

I’m linking up here

12 thoughts on “Bloggers Quilt festival Entry #1 Prof Quilting”

  1. I love all the great quilts in each of the categories this Festival. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work.

  2. You do such lovely work : ) wish I were closer to you. I'd have you on speed dial!

  3. Kati from Kati's Quilting

    Ah, one of my favorite blocks! Not a favorite in the making process, but I love the way the final result looks. Your quilt looks fantastic!

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