Blazing star quilt is done

I finally finished the Blazing Star quilt!


I long arm quilted in the ditch on the star blocks, then bubbles on the sashing and inner border and lines on the outer border


I had some yardage I didn’t care for that I used for the back and a scrap of purple batik


I honestly don’t like this quilt, it’s fine, it’s just that I don’t like purple and orange and then yellow together, probably my 3 least favorite colors.

Otherwise the batiks from Island Batik are always lovely!

Maybe if I had chosen a black or white as the background it would have turned out better, but it is what it is…

I’m happy with how it turned out, just not the “look” of it.

Do you ever have that with a quilt?

4 thoughts on “Blazing star quilt is done”

  1. Shasta Matova

    I think it is a beautiful quilt. There are times I dislike a quilt I am making, but it is usually about 3/4ths into the process. When I finish it, I am so relieved it is done that I like it again!

  2. Yes, I have made many quilts like that but after a while they grow on your. If I am really unhappy for it, I give it away. It truly does look wonderful.

  3. I think it is very pretty, but I like really bright colors. Your longarm work is gorgeous. I made one quilt I thought would be spectacular but it is just ok in my mind. I was out to show what could be done with a border print. I just don't like the brown and white fabric. It will be gifted to someone.

  4. shame after all the work you have put into the quilt that you do not like it, personally i like the colours anything with orange in is fine by me, loving the quilting you have done on it too presume the blocks are FPP they look to fiddly to be done without papers.

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