Bjorn is 22

Our Son Bjorn is 22 today!

We are very proud parents, he’s a smart “kid”….. did early college then graduated BIG college after 2.5yrs when he was 20 with a Math and business degree. Now he works for Deutsche Bank and got his final placement in historical market analytics (I think- something smart like that! LOL) He’s been living in his own house a year too and finally got a roommate, his old buddy from college.

He’s been a good big brother to his 3 sisters!

Him and Solveig have always been great friends

sometimes he’s too smart for his own good or gets tunnel vision, but I think that is just a GUY thing and a NERDY thing 🙂

I’ve helped him clean up his house and hubby helps him with the lawn too, it’s a matter of time management and focus on responsibilities, all the “Boring” adult stuff, like paying bills and insurance. LOL

I made him this quilt quite a while ago (maybe for his dorms?)

Anyways, the pattern is Accuquilt friendly and is called “50 states” so there’s a block representing each US state plus D.C.

It’s a pattern I only offer as a PDF right now -because it’s so many pages! But this week until Friday it’s ONLY $15 instead of $20!!

Get the pattern here

Try it out 🙂

4 thoughts on “Bjorn is 22”

  1. Pamela Meyers Arbour

    Oh my! I didn’t realize how long I have been reading your posts! I remember when Bjorn had that water accident. I really prayed he would fully recover. It sounded pretty bad at the time, with surgeries etc. Wow! He has become a fine looking young man and smart too. I know you are proud. I don’t think that kids these days get the full message of paying bills and mowing grass, doing laundry, etc. I went down and looked at other family pics you posted. They sure are growing up. And I loved Sonja’s birthday post. I got to see what she did and her friends. I think I was 19 or 20 when I got my ears pierced. And then I looked at the post with all of the quilts and patterns. They are lovely. I’m sorry to say that I don’t read your posts as much as I used to because I have no interest in AccuQuilt and I am getting older and I don’t make as many quilts. Thank you for sharing your family and your business.

  2. It is hard to believe that he is 22 already! The kids are growing up so fast. That is a neat quilt and I’m sure he loves it!

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