Birthday weekend trip

Sunday was my 41st birthday! and it’s MLK weekend and the kids have off Monday and Tuesday, so I wanted to do something with the family, of course everything is twice as much on a holiday weekend, BUT from Friday to Saturday I got a good price on Great Wolf Lodge!

This time to went to Williamsburg VA instead of the NC one, just to change it up a bit and it was fun as there was a surf board ride that was great for the guys!

we also went to Colonial Williamsburg, but it was BITTER cold, then we headed up Sat afternoon so we’d have the rest of the weekend at home and be ready for the cold, it’s not snowing here just really cold!

Sunday night we just had quiet family dinner and Bjorn’s girlfriend came over too.

Open Live Writer and Google photos and Blogger are still not being nice, so I have to modify each photo and upload one by one!

10 thoughts on “Birthday weekend trip”

  1. Ha ha… that looks like fun. Do you need one of those stocks at home for when those two need to be in time out? (just kidding.)

  2. QuiltShopGal

    Happy Birthday Bea. Sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday and for some good family fun too! Glad you were able to get away and celebrate.

  3. Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a fun weekend even if Colonial Williamsburg was cold.

  4. Brenda @ Songbird Designs

    Happy birthday, Bea! So glad you had a wonderful family trip! Those are THE best!!

  5. Sounds like a great birthday trip! I love the picture with you and the kids – you have such a happy smile, and they look all serious! Perfect shot!

  6. Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting

    Somewhere my mother has a picture of my brother and I in those same stocks (taken around 1970). Happy Birthday!

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