Birthday weekend

Last week and this weekend was Solveig’s 11th birthday, her birthday was the 21st where she got presents from us and we went out to dinner


I made her a My little pony quilt, which Sonja saw and wants her to SHARE!


Which she does, as she’s still loving her old quilt too much.

-what’s left of it! It’s loved to shreds and only LOVE is keeping it together still, it has no borders left, really no fabrics left, just the fabrics around each seam, and I haven’t washed it THAT much, it has just slowly been snuggled to pieces!


Here’s a picture of the quilt, it was just a basic panel and then I added the purple MLP print as a border.


I outlined the ponies and quilted feathers in the background, then straight lines on the inner border and swirls on the middle border and a elongated design on the outer border



I pieced the backing together from left over MLP prints (the outer ones are from Sonja’s dress I made a while ago)


Meanwhile this weekend, Solveig had her friend Grace come over for a sleepover, my husband and son were going on a men’s retreat with church, so it was just us girls hanging out.

Grace’s birthday is actually a few days after Solveig’s, so we surprised her with a cake for both of them and they both blew out the candles and exchanged gifts.




I made her an owl hipster bag from embroidery garden and found out her favorite color was green, so Solveig picked out the fabrics 🙂


I just love the detail in the embroidery on the owls face!


So it was a nice quiet party, they like hanging out and playing minecraft together!

4 thoughts on “Birthday weekend”

  1. Wow! I have never seen a quilt so loved before!!! Don't you love sometimes making just a simple quilt?Except your machine quilting is not simple – it is very beautiful!Thanks for sharing the picture of your granddaughter's old quilt – Priceless!

  2. Crafty Tokyo Mama

    Talk about being loved to pieces! That is one powerful and moving photo.

  3. a lovely new quilt to replace the well loved and worn away one, never seen a quilt get as worn as this!

  4. Oh my goodness that old quilt was loved to death! Beautiful quilting on her new one. It's always fun to have girls nights!

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