Big announcement and Coupon code!

Well ONE person guessed on yesterday’s post!

I’ve mentioned that I’ve been sluggish, not quilting, not sewing, I also didn’t mention the nausea the constant eating and sleeping…

Guessed it yet?

YUP! #3 Lee Baby is on it’s way!

Just had the U/S today, measuring right on target.

My due date is my son’s 10th birthday- august 21st, how odd is that!

not that women rarely deliver ON their due dates.

So I GOTTA tell you this funny story.

we told the kids not too long ago, then told them about the time I would have gotten pregnant (right before our disney trip) so my son thinks about it and says: I didn’t see you go into the bathroom together at disney!?….. PAUSE… Do you DO it in the bathroom or the bedroom???

LOL, I kept a straight face and just told him I wouldn’t answer that!

Don’t know if he’s thinking that you are naked in the bathroom when you take a shower, so… LOL

my 2nd part of this is the electric quilt is offering a discount on these two CUTE baby related items at the EQ Boutique



And Zoo babies

These are all just ADORABLE.

When you’ve added your items to your cart use the code BEALEE20

and get 20% off these two items or either item 🙂

You can also buy individual blocks if you want, but of course you get a better deal if you buy the whole set. the code only works on the full set though.

There’s a link here about how it works.

You can buy a set or individual block and SHOP, DOWNLOAD, PRINT!

I bought these this morning and it took maybe 5 min to pay and download etc.

Since I have EQ7 I linked it to these sets and have had lots of fun playing with them.

but you DON’T have to own EQ7, you can use it with a free program you get the first time you purchase from the EQ Boutique.

Here’s a few layouts I made this morning using these blocks

This quilt used fabrics from connecting threads and all the blocks in the HOOT collection.

I modified a few things in some of the blocks, which is easy to do in EQ7 🙂

Wouldn’t this be a cute pillow? I just love this guy!

or a center for a quilt and keep adding more and more borders around maybe?

The Zoo babies are adorable! a simple block layout here

Then I copied one of the blocks into a new applique block instead so I could add it like this!

A cute little guy in the corner of a super simple quilt.

So go check out the eq boutique and let’s shop!

it’s fun and easy and you don’t have to have EQ7 to use the free standing software, you can print blocks any size you want and have fun with it.

17 thoughts on “Big announcement and Coupon code!”

  1. Congratulations, I guess that's the inspiration for quilts lol which by the way are just lovely.

  2. Awe, congratulations! That's so exciting. Hope you're feeling more energetic soon!

  3. Big congrats to you! Both my babies had the same delivery date, three years apart and different docs lol! Will follow your happy progress and await the big day! Thank you for sharing such happy,uplifting news! Had a really good laugh at your son's mental goings on, LOVE Kids lol!

  4. Congratulations. And I like the last one best but that is because I love orange.

  5. I am thrilled for you and your family, that is so exciting to hear! Oh, happy news indeed! Congratulations!! Baby quilts are so much fun to make and EQ is a big help.

  6. Congratulations. 🙂 I was born on my due date and so was my eldest daughter. So you never know!

  7. Ooh congratulations on #3. How funny about the due date. Our 2nd Grandchild was born this past August just one day after his big sisters birthday so it was close.

  8. Congratulations on the new baby! Thanks for sharing such great news – so exciting 🙂

  9. …. so my son thinks about it and says: I didn't see you go into the bathroom together at disney!?….. I laughed so hard at this because we traveled a lot with our girls and now that they are adults, they have put 2 and 2 together:)))Congratulationsn on the new baby. I have really enjoyed reading your blog.Our daughters had the same due date, 2 years apart and have the same birthday.Enjoy every moment!

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