BH QAL Bible Blocks and GO blocks

I finished another clue in Bonnie Hunter’s mystery QAL,

Instead of Gold I had this white and red polka dotted
fabric, it’s kind of funny that it’s paired with then the solid white, but I
kind of like it, so we’ll see how it all turns out.

I didn’t cut any of the extra pieces out, as I’m doing 1/4 the
size, so I’ll wait for the final reveal to cut anything I’m missing.  

I also finished another Women of the bible block – Rebekah (I had the tan for
the jug of water and blue for the water)

I’ve also been playing with my GO! cutter and can you guess the die I used?

4 thoughts on “BH QAL Bible Blocks and GO blocks”

  1. shame on me you have reminded me I have still WOB unstarted.Loving the block Rebekah

  2. Art by Rhoda Forbes

    Beautiful little four patches.Depending on our final design they may work out well. the Woman of the Bible block is fabulous.

  3. What a pretty WOB block the batiks made! Well, you made, with the batiks. =)

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