Batik Roll winner and birthday pics

Last week I posted my cupcake blocks and some of you voted for which layout I should use to make a quilt.

Layout C got 4 votes and Layout E got 3 votes, which was my favorite and hubby’s favorite. so…. I really want to make E, so I veto that I’m going to make that, BUT I’ll still have the votes count for the giveaway, so layout C got 4 votes and I used a very high tech voting machine to figure out the winner!

First I wrote the names on post it notes and folded them up


Then I had Sonja put them in her basket and shake it really well and then closed her eyes and picked a paper!

Unfortunately she picked one name that I couldn’t contact thru the comment on blogger so she had to pick a second one


Sandy is the winner!! I emailed her and will mail it out soon.

On Tuesday, as you may know it was Anja’s first birthday!

I made a Danish style layer cake with raspberry preserves and as a custard I used vanilla pudding


Here’s the birthday girl all ready!


we had friends visit from S Florida for a few days too and then my friend Laura and her daughter JoJo come and join us for dinner


I also made a cupcake for Anja and we sang happy birthday to her


I covered the cakes in whipped cream, I’m so tired of frosting that’s nothing but butter and sugar or crisco.


We got Anja one big present and she didn’t know what to do at first


So Sonja and Solveig helped her unwrap it


Once she realized it was for her, she got almost angry when everyone tried to help put it together and she couldn’t touch the buttons for a minute!


But then she finally got it to herself


a fun and loud alphabet train that she can walk with or sit and push off with her feet when older and then it has button and alphabet blocks you insert into the top or the sides and it teaches her stuff.

She liked it Smile

3 thoughts on “Batik Roll winner and birthday pics”

  1. Its hard to believe Anja is a year old already. The train looks like a fun toy for her and a plus that it is also educational. I often use whip cream on my cakes and everyone always seems to like it.

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