Band Banquet last week

We’ve been very busy with end of school year stuff last week, plus we had friends visit Monday-Wed morning.

Thursday night was Solveig’s band banquet and it was GREAT!

The band director Mr Crumley is just the BEST! Solveig will really, really miss him!

As a small token of thanks, I made this table runner with the music note die from accuquilt for him.

It took a while for Solveig to figure out what notes to put on there, but we finally settled on the beginning of star spangled banner (except we had to move the notes up two “lines”)

Mr Crumley gave out superlatives awards which were hilarious!

Solveig got “the most likely to doodle on the white board”

(these were also nominated by the students)

She drew this on her I-pad by tracing a picture of him when he got a teacher of the year award!

Then she also drew this for fun!

One of the awards was for a kid who was “most likely to get hit by a flying marker” Mr Crumley explained that some times there would just be random markers flying thru the room if someone wasn’t paying attention!

At the end all the students lined up facing the stage and the teacher to say THANKS and when they did they hurled dry erase markers at him while yelling “Thank you Mr Crumley”- LOL- poor teacher having about 30 markers thrown at him.

Here’s her and her friend Kallista, they both got plaques too, Solveig got one for future Band director (there were 3 of them) Kallista got most improved, as she switched instruments at some point.

They had band for 3 years, but this was Mr Crumley’s 2nd year.

Solveig will really miss band, as she’s not going to regular highschool, but doing early college like her big brother, she figured that she really enjoyed band so much because of the teacher mostly, so at the high school it would be someone else anyways…. And Bjorn has had a great time at the early college, no drama etc…

Thanks Mr Crumley!

I think most kids hate middle school but band has made it fun!

1 thought on “Band Banquet last week”

  1. She is one talented gal…..congrats to her and that music wall hanging is adorable.

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