bali basket and english paper pieced flowers

Yesterday I was looking at my roll of cotton cording and decided to use the batik scraps I had from my “berry square” quilt, to make a bali basket.

I guess I had more scraps than I thought, because I didn’t use the 4th pinkish color, I had about 1/2yd of that so it would have been a shame to cut into that anyways.

It’s BIG! hard to tell from the picture though.

they are super easy and so much fun!

have any of you tried it?

or need a tutorial?

here’s the berry square quilt top- just in case you forgot 🙂

and I already have the binding made and ready.

I also finished some more hexagon english PP flowers, finally found a method that’s fast and easy for adding the fabrics to the cardstock. which I should have known!

first I traced out the fabric about 1/4″ around, then pinned one tiny pin thru the cardboard and fabric, then with thread and needle just ran a long stitch all the way around while folding the edges over, the thread again went thru all the layers. Then removed the pin.

and sewed the flowers together.

now my kids want me to make then fabric balls!

5 thoughts on “bali basket and english paper pieced flowers”

  1. Bea, I've apparently missed the questionnaire thingy…could you please re-send? Thanks so much! Beverly

  2. Love that basket. I haven't ever made or seen one – tutorial would be appreciated :0) when / if you get around to it. :0) Great colours in your quilt as well. Have fun with those hexies – get the kids to start sewing, haha

  3. What a cute basket and your quilt is beautiful! I've never made one of these baskets before, thanks for sharing!Quilting at the River Linky Party Tuesday

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