Baby Sunbonnet Sue quilt

This weekend I was at a baby shower for a lady at church (our pastor’s daughter-in-law)

Since I did my post on the new sunbonnet sue die and embroidery, I just HAD to try it again and designed this in EQ.

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Love the embroidery on the block!

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Here’s the quilt all done and quilted and I used the striped fabric for binding.

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II quilted a basic meandering around the sunbonnet sue and lines on the inner border and swirls on the outer border.

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the basic curves on the star blocks

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I attached a hanging sleeve on the back (which the mommy to be found later and just HAD a rod already hanging in the room)

I also embroidered a small sunbonnet label I made in EQ stitch and added baby’s name and mine.

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4 thoughts on “Baby Sunbonnet Sue quilt”

  1. Connie Kresin Campbell

    Beautiful Bea and what a precious gift! Sue Bonnet is such a fun block and love your embroidery!

  2. any little girl will love this can see you getting requests to make more of these

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