baby quilt almost done

I did a little bit more sewing on the baby quilt today.

The rows are done, now I just need to sew them together and add the borders

remember this is what it will look like when it’s done

also today my son’s rock tumbler is FINALLY done with this round of rocks, it takes a LONG time! good thing it’s in the garage, this thing is loud.

here they are all sorted by color, I sent detailed pics to my mom, she knows a lot about rocks and may be able to tell us what some of them are.

and just for fun, a little pic of Peanut!

(do you see all the slobber on the window too?)

Well my chicken pot pies are almost done, yummy!

5 thoughts on “baby quilt almost done”

  1. that baby quilt is going to be soooo cute!! And yes, I have windows like that at my house too! Peanut is adorable.

  2. What a sweet quilt and Peanuts is too cute! We had a cat once that would sit in our picture window and sneeze…that was gross!

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