April in review

April has been busy with sewing masks and anything else I could sew to fill the time! I actually have posts into May already, but let me just show you what I blogged about in April 😉

Morning star quilt

Morning star table runner

Batik Underwater quilt (My pattern)

This little piggy quilt (New Pattern)

Pink X and Plus quilt

String Quilt Contained (New Pattern)

Mini Unicorn quilt

4 mini quilts

Greek Block Yellow table runner

Camping potholders

Spam potholders

Lots of masks


That’s 6  big quilts

6 small quilts

2 sets of potholders

and lots of masks!

1 thought on “April in review”

  1. Angie in SoCal

    Now that is a lot of creative, colorful, inspiring work. Congratulations. Will you be making a pattern for pink x and plus? Some of us don’t have an accu-cut. Blessings!

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