Another round of pincushion swaps

pin cushion swap 2015

Want to join another round of pincushion swaps?

Sign ups are now open for JULY, AUGUST and SEPTEMBER.

You sign up for all 3 months at one time and make ONE pincushion per month and send it to your assigned person (I’ll assign it close to July 1st)

Be aware that there’s some internationals on this swap too but I try just to assign ONE international per person when possible.

One thing you can do is stuff it with fiber fill instead of something heavy or make it smaller 🙂

You send out one pincushion to your person so they get it before the end of the month – and do account for more time with international shipping.

Due to things happening in the past, I have to be kind of strict and watch the dates, if you’re late more than 2 times you can’t re-join the next time around. sorry.

Here’s some fun pincushions from the last 3 months

and some of my favorites

comment below – and make sure you have your email in there, once July 1st rolls around and I already assign people, I can’t really modify the list as some people start working on their pincushion right away and may choose that person’s favorite color or something like that.

After you comment that you want to join, I’ll send you a few questions to answer – shipping address, favorite color/style etc.

It’s a fun swap and who doesn’t like getting a squishy package in the mail????

so come join !! 🙂

7 thoughts on “Another round of pincushion swaps”

  1. Please include me again It's was great swapping and I don't mind international partners

  2. Count me in… I love the three pin cushions I have received these past three months. Great fun!! Janet

  3. Hi Bea! I would like to stay in for the next three months. I have been looking around for some new ideas.

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