Another round of the pincushion swap? who wants to (re)join?

Another round of the pincushion swap is almost over!

And I’m opening up another round (3 months)

Anyone can join!

There are internationals on the list, so be prepared to pay international postage for at least one month! (but if you use or paypal it’s not too bad)

All you have to do it make and send off ONE pincushion per month to the person you’re assigned to and then you’ll also get a pincushion from someone that month too (may not be the same person)

It’s fun and easy and like Christmas any time you get a squishy package in the mail!

Here’s a few highlights from this round

I am not going to show all, I just grabbed a few pics

Look here for more eye candy Smile

Now, you should also be on FB as there’s a fun group where we communicate and show pics when we get goodies!

If you’d like to join the swap please comment or email me (there’s several no-reply bloggers that often say they want to join, but I don’t know who they are so I can’t email them)

I know it’s a busy season coming up, but still making 3 pincushions is not bad, you can make them in October before all the holiday madness begins!?

Please join! the more the merrier!!

7 thoughts on “Another round of the pincushion swap? who wants to (re)join?”

  1. Hi . I want to enjoy the pincushions swap…My name is Margun Vatshelle from Norway. I m a friend of Turid and have seen all her nice pincushions.

  2. I would love to join! I'm moving to a new house we just bought next week, but I will be setting up my sewing room asap so there should be no problem in getting it done on time <3

  3. Cousin Holly

    Oh, yes. I'm in. I live in Oklahoma; raised in Colorado; 20 years in USAF; Scot by family history/DNA.

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