Another little venture supporting a local craft store

While I was making quilts and patterns for love-sew I sometimes had to run out and get solid fabrics quickly and a new little craft store had opened a year ago in town, it’s called the Creative Goat!

The lady running the place is super nice and we’d talk about fabrics and I ended up making a small sample of my whirly gig pattern to hang in her shop then I also dropped off a few of my patterns and she’ll sell them for me too for a commission.

The Creative goat has a little bit of everything about crafts, there’s fabrics, iron on sheets for transfers, paints, markers, notebooks, yarn. it’s such a cute store!

Here’s a picture of the quilt, the fabrics are FUNKY! but kinda fun 🙂

My pattern has a small version that’s 3 x 3 blocks and here I just did 2×2 just to show off the patterns.

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