Another kitty

After yesterday’s post I was “inspired” to make another kitty eyeglass holder, this on is the FAT version for sunglasses.

Again I used batiks from island batiks.

and the kitty files can be bought here

It’s a cool process (don’t know if I’m revealing anything I’m not supposed to)

but the batting and main body fabric is on top of the hoop and the body features are stitched out.

There’s other parts to it too, including the pocket and backing

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After it’s all done and unhooped, you trim and turn inside out, then do it one more time, since there’s really 3 layers and VOILA! a cute kitty

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I’ve also been working on the DUCK DUCK DUCK ahhhh project

sorry the pic is so dark, I wanted to take the pic before I got too far, just wait and seeSmile

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a few family pics

sonja in the backyard.

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and looking so grown up with a hair clip.

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eating messy watermelon

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Bjorn ready for a concert

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a great performance

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6 thoughts on “Another kitty”

  1. Quilter Kathy

    Happy Mother's Day! Can't wait to see how the triple duck project turns out with all that fussy cutting!! So fun!

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