another fabric Ball and feathers on customer’s quilt

since I made a fabric ball for my son, my daughter wanted one too.

I re-traced the template from the patchwork ball book and they were now smaller, then I made cardstock templates instead of the plastic I had before, I also figured out that I could fit 2 on a charm square, so I had my daughter pick out 6 charms and I went to work!

Here’s the result

Both balls together.

Last night my husband had a little fun with Peanut sleeping on the floor, he started piling STUFF on top of him, a piece of fabric, a plastic plate, a pillow, then the fabric ball on top, I think my laughter woke him up, because I was lucky to take this picture before he did…

This morning I started another customer’s quilt.

here’s just a teaser- she loves feathers.

I did take some videos too, but I’m trying to see how to compress them so they don’t take 8hrs to upload on youtube.

well it’s lunch time and I needed a break…

1 thought on “another fabric Ball and feathers on customer’s quilt”

  1. Lisa C in GA.

    I'm looking forward to seeing that Owl quilt laid out in real fabric…it looks like it will be really cute. I like your ball, too. I made one just like it last year, but instead of fabric I used pieces cut from 100% wool sweaters that I had bought at Goodwill and felted – then I hand stitched the pieces together. It turned out so cute, just like yours! I hadn't thought of machine sewing one with fabric. Might try that for the next baby gift I make, one that matches a quilt made for a baby.(the robot message is present…and hard to read 😉

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