another donation quilt

I finished quilting another quilt for Pine Tree Quilt guild.

Now I wanted to clarify some things from the last post about donation quilts for them.

First, I did not piece these.

When I was there last month, I just grabbed 4 “sets” and left, now the sets had the top and backing and one also had the batting, I didn’t have time to wait for the batting to be cut and knew I had plenty of scraps of batting here that I could “iron seam” together anyways.

Some of the backings needed to be pieced together and one of them was way too small, even if it was done on the domestic, it wouldn’t fit, so I ended up using my own stash and made a backing- no big deal Smile

Then I quilted it. using my threads and any design I wanted.

Donation quilts are great to “practice” on, this one I did my regular leaves and squiggles, but others I’ve practiced certain techniques.

I decided to trim the quilts too (which I don’t think I HAD to do, but I wanted to do it anyways)

Then I’ll bring it back at the next meeting and someone else will add the binding and label.

Now where the quilt(s) end up, I don’t know, some of the baby quilts go to the cancer ward of the local hospital or UNC hospital, some go to veterans or other places. Pine tree is really good at distributing quilts around where needed and often they get thank you letters that are read out loud at the meetings, I just can’t remember the places.

I don’t add MY name to the back at all, it’s up to pine tree- after all I just quilted it, it’s not my fabrics, nor my design and I’m not the one giving it away Smile it’s just fun to practice my skills and help out a little.

I’m not writing this to have you all say “Good job” etc. but to encourage you to help out at your local guild or quilt group, you don’t HAVE to donate a whole quilt!

If you like to cut out fabrics, then do that and “kit” it up for someone else to work one.

If you like to piece, then do that and hand it off to someone else to quilt it.

If you like to add the binding and see it finished, then do that!

every bit helps Smile

Okay I’ll get off my high horse now…… Winking smile

Here’s the quilt

2014-08-30 001

and the leaves and squiggles

2014-08-30 002

and pieced backing, I chose to have the red be at the bottom, so there’s more of that left over for the binding, vs the floral fabric.

2014-08-30 003

Who do you have in your area, that’s in need of quilts?

Have you donated any quilts lately/ever?

3 thoughts on “another donation quilt”

  1. Vroomans' Quilts

    I don't label donation quilts unless it is requested. I do H2H, 100 Kids, Quilt Angels, and our local guild's charity (local Hospice and/or children's cancer ward).

  2. My quilt club makes quilts for our local veteran's hospital. A couple of years ago I volunteered to quilt as many as I can each year. I do them all very simply. The quilts are small enough that I can cut one wide backing and quilt 2 at a time. I just finished my 24th for the year! I know that most quilters hate the quilting part and by keeping it simple I can do it for them easily and we have more quilts to give away.

  3. SewMisadventurous

    I think this is a Fantastic idea, and very generous of everyone involved. I love the leaves on this quilt Bea, they look like little hearts, and they show up particularly well on the Red part of the backing. But, am I the only person who looked at the quilt and thought "Oooh that border's busy!" Love the middle and the Green around it though.

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