Another Birthday, Blocks and giveaway winner

Last week my son turned 11 and Friday/Saturday we had a party for him- more about that in a bit.

First I’ll show you last weeks Women of the bible block: Herodias

Not a woman I knew anything about before, how evil she was and how she manipulated others to get her way…..

Here I needle turn appliqued the blue on top of sections of the blocks and then sewed those together by machine (now I see how crooked the right side it. hmmm)

August 012

I also finished another Persian star for the block swap.

August 035

Okay, so back to my son’s birthday, we gave him his presents on Wednesday night on his REAL birthday.

The kids are OBSESSED with Minecraft!

So we got him a creeper shirt and wallet and other things Winking smile

August 018August 024

And for his party Friday I made him a creeper cake.

August 044

At some point Friday, Sonja fell asleep right on top of her toys in my “studio”

August 041August 042

And look! she has some binkies SKILLZ!

(my husband always have to pronounce “skills” like “skillz”)

August 054

and some hiding/crawling skillz

(hard to get her out of there)

august 062

Our singaporean friend came back to UNC too and Sunday at church she gave us lots of goodies, including this lovely fabric! there’s about 2 1/2 yds of it. Each selvage edge has this neat pattern. At first I didn’t know what to do with it, but remember how she gave me some red fabric similar to this and I made a dress for Sonja.

August 057

This one Smile


so I might make another one for her, we’ll see.

This red one she’s outgrown now but I made a blue version that’s 12m, so maybe I’ll wait a bit or make a different dress for her or for ME!


AND…. drum roll…….

It’s the first day of school today!!

The house is SO quiet today.

It’s not even 10am and I’ve gotten them off to school (my husband drives them) I had breakfast, checked email, worked out, long arm quilted some and now doing this post! woohoo Smile

august 064

Okay, on to the McCall’s Magazine winner from here

There were 59 comments


And picked #54


Who is LeAnne



an email has been sent.

Here’s an update on my CONDENSED 2013 list

#1 giraffe wall hanging – still working on needle turn applique, mommy giraffe almost done

#2 pineapple black and blue quilt- TOP DONE ready to quilt

#7 fall leaf blocks swap- ready to quilt

#8 bubble gum quilt kit won at quilt show – ironed down border applique, top stitching slowly

#12- Hidden forest- applique- owl block done!

#15 Christmas tree skirt- top done

#16 hexie flowers- 47 done I think

#17 women of the bible quilt blocks- #42 done- Herodias

#20- roman holiday- kit

#40(Jan) Ahhhh’s- #48 done

#44 (April) blue yellow kaleidoscope- 6 blocks done

#48 (May) Sampler Quilt along- blocks 5 and 6 done

#56 Boxes!- top done

#58 (July) persian star FPP block swap – 4 done

#61 (August) Green/grey quilt- quilting it

#62 (August) mini projects for gifts DONE!


I really don’t have THAT many UFO’s

#1 and #12 are taking forever!

#2, #7, #15, #56 are ready to quilt

#16, #17, #44, #48, #58 are all blocks I work on weekly or monthly

#8 I really SHOULD work on, but I’m getting tired of the applique…

#40 I’m missing some triangles

#20 I don’t know if I want to re-gift to someone…..

4 thoughts on “Another Birthday, Blocks and giveaway winner”

  1. lovely pictures xx looks like a fun time was had all round .. great fabric too x enjoy your peace and quiet while you can x

  2. Happy days! Love that fabric and that persian star block…wonder who will get that one? 😉

  3. You up to date posts are always very fun to read. School doesn't start here until next week for Jammer and the week after for Sunshine.

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