Another birthday

My son is 11 today!

Happy birthday Buddy Bear.

He’s a GREAT big Brother Smile

I remember having him by emergency C-Section, how horrified I was and also being a new mom I had never taken care of a baby before.

(I had a placental abruption)

He is my MIRACLE boy…. if it wasn’t for the C- Section we could have both died….. AND he not only survived but he’s really SMART and such a great kid! LOVE you BUDDY!

Aug 079

Okay, better stop or I’ll start crying….

On to quilting stuff Winking smile

Here’s a star block for the star block swap I’m hosting

aug 067

Here’s Ahhhh #48

aug 068

and here’s the missing #45

Aug 072

So I only have one more to go to finish #49 (I’m NOT doing #50- it’s just NUTS) I already have over 50 done though as I did some duplicates of the first few ones.

I’m doing a secret project for Tonya with these, wait and seeSmile

Meanwhile the little trouble maker is back to SORTING my fabrics

Aug 074Aug 075

And playing the Keyboard, she knows how to turn it on and turn on a “beat” or an automatic song and then wiggles her little butt in rhythm to the music.

Aug 093

Aug 102

Then the other day I saw Teresa made some fabric covered boxes

and we started chatting back and forth on email and I remembered I had a book from Denmark about fancy small fabric covered boxes, where I might have made 1 or 2 when I was a teenager, so I looked for the book and didn’t find it BUT then I remembered I had photo copied it from the library way back then- I know I’m BAD…..

I took a few pics of the pages to show you- can’t find the book online now.

look, it even has a star quilt block on the top, how NEAT!

Aug 098

uhhh… I want to make some

Aug 099

This is my current embroidery project.

Aug 105

Here’s an update on my CONDENSED 2013 list

#1 giraffe wall hanging – still working on needle turn applique, mommy giraffe almost done

#2 pineapple black and blue quilt- TOP DONE ready to quilt

#7 fall leaf blocks swap- ready to quilt

#8 bubble gum quilt kit won at quilt show – ironed down border applique, top stitching slowly

#12- Hidden forest- applique- owl block done!

#15 Christmas tree skirt- top done

#16 hexie flowers- 47 done I think

#17 women of the bible quilt blocks- #41 done- woman with blood issue

#20- roman holiday- kit

#40(Jan) Ahhhh’s- #48 done

#44 (April) blue yellow kaleidoscope- 6 blocks done

#48 (May) Sampler Quilt along- blocks 5 and 6 done

#56 Boxes!- top done

#58 (July) persian star FPP block swap – #3 done working on #4

#60 (August) embroidery guest blogger project OWL embroidery- DONE!

#61 (August) Green/grey quilt- top done

10 thoughts on “Another birthday”

  1. hope he had a wonderful birthday xx your little helper seems to be doing a good job xx

  2. Sounds like you have a wonderful son. Oh, your little girl always makes me laugh!That star block is beautiful–and the Ahhhhs are mind-boggling! I think they are all crazy!! : )I loved Teresa's box–looks like you could do some really cool ones with those instructions!

  3. Happy Birthday Buddy Bear! Sonja is just too cute, as usual. Looks like she'll be a future quilter or a rock star. LOL

  4. Hi Bea…is this your hexie projects? wasn't sure…anyway I added them to the pinterest board….

  5. Happy Birthday to your son, I had an emergency C-Section too, they are scary. Your fabric sorter and musical entertainment is a cutie.

  6. Oh my he looks so much like your hubby. Happy Belated 11th Birthday to him.

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