Anja Jael Lee is here!

Anja Jael Lee is here!

She was born Sunday night at 9.23pm by C section

She weighed 5lbs 5oz and is 18” long


Other than the low weight, she’s healthy and cute as can be!

(has a healthy set of lungs!)


She was due Black Friday the 27th, but a C Section was planned for the 24th, but this girl had other plans and I went into labor Sunday morning/day and we arrived at the hospital at 7.15pm in full blown labor! I was actually amazed and how quickly it all happened after we were admitted.

Here’s the happy family, they came to visit Monday morning a bit before school.



Sonja is a good big sister!


we’ll go home tomorrow but I can tell the recovery is already so much better than it was with Sonja’s C section.

So I’m sure I’ll sneak upstairs to sew soon enough 🙂

I have posts scheduled for this week already and others scattered….

Just thought I’d share a few pics and the great news!

29 thoughts on “Anja Jael Lee is here!”

  1. Congratulations on your newest little family member…..what a doll! So glad everything went well, even if she decided to arrive on her own schedule. God bless you all!

  2. Vroomans' Quilts

    Be prepared, this little one has a mind of her own! Blessings to you and the whole family.

  3. Congratulations, Bea, and the whole family! Good to hear that everything went well. The adorable little girl looks just like Sonja to me!

  4. QuiltShopGal

    Congratulations. Anja Jael is absolutely adorable. You have such a beautiful loving family that it is delightful to know you have another bundle of joy. Absolutely thrilled for you and your family.

  5. Blessings on your new precious addition to the family. Sonja looks like she will be a wonderful big sister (and so cute in her pink poncho). May you feel good as new very soon dear.

  6. Congratulations! What a lovely addition to already beautiful family. 😊 Toni Anne

  7. Annette Schultz

    oh wow what a little cutie congratulations on your newest little family memberin stitches

  8. CONGRATULATONS so glad to hear mom and baby are well. she is cute as a button. Congrats to the whole family.

  9. patchworkbreeze

    Congratulations! Glad to hear you and Anna are doing great. Like seeing the photos.

  10. Crafty Tokyo Mama

    Congratulations all around: new mom, new dad, new big sisters, and new big brother! I can't wait to see what color Anja's hair is going to be. 😀

  11. wonderful news that Anja has joined the family, I think she will be one very spoilt little girl if Sonja has anything to do with it! Now you take care and not overdo things following your C section.

  12. I am so happy for you! Congratulations on your new little girl. Take it easy and type with us in a few weeks.

  13. Pamela Arbour

    Congratulations! I have been looking for the announcement any day now! You have another beautiful child and a beautiful family. Thanks for sharing with us.

  14. Congratulations my friend! You will now officially have your hands FULL with kids and quilting! What a joyful day for you and your family!!! I can't wait to meet her!!

  15. Charlene McCain

    So happy for you! She is beautiful! I love the picture of her hanging onto Big Sister's fingers. So cute! Fun times are ahead!

  16. Congrats on the beautiful new addition to your family! Take time to enjoy her! Hugs from Texas!

  17. I'm a bit late reading but I saw the happy news on IG. Congratulations again. She really is adorable.

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