amazing blog race

Amazing Blog Race……It’s ON

The Amazing Race Is

The Learning Curve~Quilts and Such and BeaQuilter are in a race to see who can reach 200 followers
first. The winner will receive a gift from the loser and those that want to
enter just for the fun of watching the race will be entered into a random draw
for a gift from both racers! How do you enter you ask? You have to be a
follower of both blogs and comment that you joined or are already following.
Then spread the word either by email, facebook, twitter, blog, some type of
media hype with a link to your “spread” and you’re in like Flynn. Simple as

Well it’s with a head hung low that I have to announce that I LOST!! Jeanne won..

35 thoughts on “amazing blog race”

  1. The Amazing Race Is On………….Go check out my car Bea dahling! Catch me if you can…..varooooooooooom

  2. Quiltin' Sandy


  3. heartsease54

    I am already a follower, went & signed up at Jeanne's and am sharing you both to Facebook. You are so close!

  4. Hi.. I'm coming over from The Learning Curve~Quilts and Such. The Amazing, Lovely and Generous Jeanne told me about your great blog. I'm one of your new followers. I thought I had left a comment but double checking I didn't see it here. If this is a double entry I'm sorry. I've been doing the blog hop and my eyes are crossing and I can't remember if I made a comment or if I was thinking about what I was going to say in my comment. Thank you for the fun and spur of the moment giveaway and a chance to win.usairdoll(at)gmail(dot)com

  5. Quiltingranny

    Just came over from learning curves and right now, looks like I have given you a one up lead. Stop by and visit and follow my blog, I am not in a race to win anything, but would love to win here!

  6. It appears that Bea has pulled ahead of me, oh my. Had to pull the car over for servicing but am back on the road now!! Zoom Zoom Varoooooooooom

  7. I follow Jeanne's blog at The Learning Curve. So now I follow both blogs. "Jeanne sent me."

  8. I blogged about your post today at

  9. 200TH FOLLOWER @ 5:24 pm Big_dog_Max Bwahahahaha Gotcha Bea!!! Need your address cause you get a goodie anyway!!!!

  10. Looks like I am a little late to comment on this! You already have 200! Congrats!

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