After Christmas pics and it’s my anniversary

Today is my Anniversary I’ve been married to Dan for 18years and known him for 20, that’s more than half my life, I’ve known him longer than I haven’t!!

Look forward to at least another 18!

I figured I’d show some after Christmas pictures here too

It was just home on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, we did go to church on Christmas Eve and I gave my testimony (when it’s up on their website I’ll link to it)

Sonja made  a present for Solveig at church last Sunday (a big sheet of paper with lots of nativity scene stickers and her name)


Of course paper was flying everywhere!!


Bjorn got a big monitor for his laptop


and a big LEGO set – Detective’s office


Anja got a play table


Bjorn worked on this from maybe 10.30 and finished at dinner time (so close to 5pm)


Solveig got a drawing tablet for her computer as she draws a lot on there!

(wish I had that in art school!!)


The details on this lego set is just amazing, the first room was a pool area and one guy is playing darts!!


as the kids played thru the day I walked around with the camera and snapped pictures


Sonja’s big thing was this MLP castle


here’s the right side of the lego set- AL’s barber shop


and upstairs is a detective’s office


Then on the right was a two story apartment and a walk out roof


I got new speakers for my laptop as I often listen to music or audio books and I had these small ones that weren’t very good, these new ones are awesome and cool looking! (and my new chair!)

As for our Anniversary, I think we’ll stay home and eat leftovers, we went out to sushi the other day when the kids went to a friend’s house for a traditional “Happy birthday Jesus” party.

I’ll show some quilty stuff I finished before Christmas in the next few days of posts.

8 thoughts on “After Christmas pics and it’s my anniversary”

  1. Connie Kresin Campbell

    Happy Anniversary Bea! Looks like you and your family had a wonderful Christmas!

  2. Kathleen RosePrairieQuilts

    Happy Anniversary,It is amazing how many collection of Lego's there are. He did a great job putting it together.

  3. It looks as though everyone had a splendid day. It is always exciting to watch the children opening their gifts, the reactions can be priceless. Also, Happy Anniversary and congratulations on your unity of 18 years. I think of you as a superwoman because having four children and getting all the quilts completed so quickly is a wonder to me. I have been working on a lap quilt for three years…I am in the middle of machine quilting it, lol. I must say that you do inspire me greatly. TFS.

  4. It looks like you've had some great days recently. Happy Belated Anniversary.

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