After Christmas pics

The Christmas fun is over!

We actually didn’t cook much. on the 23rd I took my oldest daughter to Target to get a Christmas dress (forgot she had outgrown her other one)- they were prepared there so it wasn’t too bad, but the parking lot took 10 min to get out of to make a left turn to go home!

While I was there I was in the mood to make Danish Christmas dinner (of course I forgot to take pics of the meal) Pork roast, potatoes and I did sugar glazed baby carrots. Then for dessert was this rice pudding. A short grain rice that’s cooked in milk then cooled and mixed with lots of chopped almonds (without the skin) and ONE whole almond, then whipped whipping cream, and when you eat it, it’s a game to get the whole almond because the person who finds it, gets an “almond” present, often chocolate! Bjorn got it btw Smile


Christmas Eve we went to church so I knew we wouldn’t have time to eat fancy.

We got all dressed up and was able to figure out the timer on my camera and took this picture!


that was after a few FAILS! like this one Smile


At church, the girls were in a cute little nativity play, Solveig was Mary and Sonja was an angel



Christmas day we were going to friends’ house for dinner and I made my danish layer cake I think I showed before.

Yellow cake, sprinkled with a cherry wine called kijaffa, then raspberry preserves and vanilla custard/pudding (I made this the day before so it could soak in)

Then Christmas day I covered it in whipped cream and raspberries Smile


If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you’ll know that I make a Lego advent calendar for the kids every year, this was the one from this year!


Also I was able to do this for my pastor’s wife, when I showed her Anja’s onesie with the CC dove on it, she wanted some for their granddaughter and one shirt for her Smile



Here’s a quick pic of one of Solveig’s presents! the future catniss Everdeen LOL


3 thoughts on “After Christmas pics”

  1. QuiltShopGal

    Looks like a wonderful picture. Quacking up about the future Catness. Silly me, as I would have never thought of this as a gift. But it is

  2. Such beautiful photos and stories. I happened to read your "about" section as I hadn't ever before. Don't forget to add Anja to it. She has grown so much in such a short time. Thanks for sharing with us.

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