AccuQuilt Pickle Dish Die Review – Easy Way to Master This Tricky Block!

Today’s featured Accuquilt die is called Pickle Dish

It’s a BOB die (Block on Board) and it’s one of those tricky blocks that I don’t think I’d EVER try without the die! BUT with the die, it has little notches on the shapes, so it’s really not that hard to put together!

I did one quilt for Accuquilt when they released the die called “A Dozen Gems

I made it with fabrics from Connecting threads and I had to really dig on Accuquilt’s website to find the pattern- only after I found the pattern name-by searching on my computer, did I find it!

I think I know why they HID it, which was my initial thought after I finished the quilt and looked it, I think it’s because of the pink “skin” color and the shape and block placement that it made me thing of a woman body part! LOL now I can’t unsee it!!


Let me show you OTHER ideas with this die from EQ8!

Here’s just 4 blocks with sashing and borders and it’s a totally different look depending on how you turn the block!


Here’s some table runner ideas, same layout on the first two but different feels depending on the fabrics!

And here’s a rainbow version where the blocks are sideways

And then these two where it’s a BIG difference depending on the fabric choices!

Again the pickle dish is a fun die that’s WORTH buying if you want to try this block because it’s so odd and might be difficult with templates or paper piecing! try it out.



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