Accuquilt Go Challenge April

accuquilt go challenge

This month I’m highlighting the Equilateral Triangle die.

 GO! Equilateral Triangle-4 1/2" Sides (4 1/4" Finished) (55429)

it’s often paired up with the hexagon die, like we saw in February where Connie made a quilt.

I had some batik scraps and decided to make a scrappy random quilt with these triangles.

I didn’t care how the triangles matches up.

I also for once, did mitered corners- I remember why I NEVER do mitered corners! but I do love the result!

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I quilted double straight lines on the diagonals and SITD horizontally.

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On the border I did a loose zig zag to match the fabric

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While I was sewing the binding on, SOMEONE had sticky chocolate hands and grabbed the quilt!!

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I used the same chevron fabric for the backing and hanging sleeve

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And made this funny quilt label, I don’t know WHY I wanted to stitch out a lion, I just felt like it Winking smile

My oldest daughter names the quilt because she saw stars and a mountain in the triangles.

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Here’s my original EQ sketch of the equilateral quilt


Here’s a “planned” quilt for a two colored quilt in 2 different tones


I also did an EQ Tutorial on how to design a quilt with the hexagons and triangles here.


I also finished quilting and adding binding on the wedge quilt!

I kept the odd edges on the sides, a bit tricky with the binding, but I managed Smile

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I quilted a pointed loopy meandering all over it in the green variegated thread from Connecting threads I got a few weeks ago.

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I came up with the name for the quilt and decided to design my own lava lamp in EQ7, turned out pretty well Smile

the text is done on my embroidery machine

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(If you’re looking for the Tutorial Tuesday I did it yesterday for the photo blog hop)

HAVE YOU SEEN THE Accuquilt BLOCK design contest????

You just have to register and then you can upload as many ORIGINAL blocks as you want!!

(I’m still thinking about WHICH ones to submit)

It’s open until May 1st, then voting starts until 5/27.

Come join the fun!!

If you have made a quilt with the wedge die or the equilateral dies, link up below.

4 thoughts on “Accuquilt Go Challenge April”

  1. You did a great quilting job. I love the Zig Zag quilting! You did a great job on the wedges.

  2. I have not used the equilateral die yet but it is on my growing "to do" list!

  3. Looks neat Bea and I really like the border fabric! The lion label is adorable!

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