A year ago–special quilt

I was a year ago today that my close friend Danielle lost her husband in a terrible car accident! I told Danielle a while later that I’d be happy to make her a T-shirt quilt if she wanted to, it took her a while to get the courage to go thru his shirts but I finally got a box, and then I ordered stabilizer/interfacing and it took me a while to get going on it too.

With T-shirt quilts, it takes quite a bit of planning, I started off not knowing how big it would be and then I sorted the shirts by size of the print on the shirts.

I saved some of the shirts if they had prints on both sides, just in case I needed more


As the columns grew I had more of a plan

(The little notes are how wide the column is and then when I got a good length I then marked on the rest, how many inches they were missing)


I ended up with 4 columns like this

It was so sad making this, my husband would walk up and see the shirts and comment that he remembered John wearing several of these!


I quilted just a large meandering in black thread and also did the binding in black and the back is a black print too


I had two shirts left over and I really wanted to use them so I made a little pillow.


I still had the pamphlet from the funeral so I scanned that and used paper backed fabrics and printed it out and sewed that to the back of the quilt and I folded the quilt so it would be the first thing Danielle would see!

I met up with her last Friday, as I knew the storm was coming and I didn’t want to disrupt her as the 1yr day got closer.


It’s amazing to see how Danielle has dealt with this though, her trust in the LORD is so strong now and she’s just a wonderful woman!

big HUGS!!

7 thoughts on “A year ago–special quilt”

  1. Amy, a redeemed sheep

    That is a most wonderful gift…I am in tears…I am so glad she knows the Lord Jesus! He is our hope and He is faithful to draw near to the brokenhearted.

  2. Heather Blanton

    That is such a beautiful, kind, generous thing to do for her. She will treasure it always.

  3. Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting

    I'm sure that the quilt will be appreciated for years to come. I have my father's ties in a box, waiting for me to make a quilt with them.

  4. QuiltShopGal

    Very thoughtful gift that will certainly provide her many quilty hugs of comfort and memories. My heart and prayers goes out to this young widow.

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