A weekend away!

This weekend I had a weekend away with 2 friends, Danielle and Heather!

we went to the NC Mountains where Heather is from (Cashiers)

We rented a cabin on the mountains with a gorgeous view



We arrived Friday night after a 4-5hr drive, which passed by super fast and we were talking non-stop in the car of course Winking smile

Saturday we went hiking, first on a really steep track with lots and lots of steps, but it was worth it- down to a waterfall!




it’s something like 72 SETS of stairs and each set could be like this with lots of logs or from stone and not easy steps, some were tall!

Then we had late lunch/early dinner and went on another hike called White wall or something like that, it was a 2 mile hike.


Oh and there was a leaf festival in town and next to it was a QUILT SHOW (a tiny one, but fun)


I took lots of pictures of the trip and the hikes, but just wanted to show a few.

We had a lot of fun but it was great to get home, Sonja and Anja were sick over the weekend (fevers) so I felt bad for hubby, but they did fine.

Now back to sewing!!

5 thoughts on “A weekend away!”

  1. lovely pictures great way to really get away from it all! love the one block wonders!! great job. hope the kiddies are feeling better and that honey never got it!

  2. QuiltShopGal

    Girlfriend getaways are always special, but this one just looks like so much fun. Hiking, yummy food, quilts and good friend. Can't get any better than that.

  3. Looks like you had fun on your weekend. Steps like that kind of drive me crazy when I am hiking. Mostly because you have to keep changing your stride length because they are different lengths and heights. I should be used to it by now as very few places have even steps it seems. It isn't annoying enough to keep me from hiking though because usually there is beautiful scenery ahead.

  4. Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting

    Looks like a fun trip. Hope the girls are better by now.

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