A quick Snail Trail quilt

Do you ever just sit and play in EQ and look at your fabric stash and think about what you can make?

I do! OFTEN!! and I really don’t keep a lot of yardage in my stash at all, I like to use it up and it’s only occasionally that I impulse buy (ok so I just did with Connecting threads- but I got a bunch of neutrals and blenders- that doesn’t really count, right??)

My biggest piles of fabric are 0-1/2yd and the 1/2yf to 1yd (under 1yd)

I then often think about Accuquilt dies and thought of the Snail Trail/Monkey Wrench die, I have both the big and the small dies and hadn’t used the small die since they released it (I usually get a test die before release then after it’s released I get a new die and by then I usually just stick it in my cabinet)

I had this pretty red fabric leftover from Singapore and I came up with this design.

The snail trail blocks are 8″ and the side blocks are 4″ so the quilt ended up being 24″ x 24″

I had enough of a red for the backing and used the same grey for binding.

The quilt design is called “Diamonds” from QCT5

Anja adopted this quilt and uses it as a picnic blanket in her “kitchen and ice-cream stand”

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